White Head – Magento Seo


Magento site (.be domain) needs “White Head” on-page(10%) and off-page(90%) seo.

On-page has almost been completed(canonical,sef-urls, xml-sitemaps, meta description,..), but additional expertise is still welcome.

Please provide the following to be considered for the job:

1. Provide quote with pricing/expected timeframe
2. Seo tactics that will be used
3. Provide us with an .xls of all undertaken actions and backlinks on weekly basis
4. Tools you will be using: google analytics, webtrends, seomoz,…
5. Show work of other magento sites that you’ve done with seo and their rankings(pagerank, mozrank, alexa,…)

URL will be provided in PM

If good results are achieved extra projects (magento, joomla and WordPress) can be expected

Payment will be done when targets are achieved = delayed payment for every milestone (milestone 2 achieved –>payment for milestone 1 will be released, milestone 3 achieved –>payment for milestone 2 will be released,…)

DO NOT BID if you have no proven results or do not agree with our payment conditions.


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