Compression Tricks Of The Pros – Part 3

In this week’s Audio Premium content, Bobby Owsinski continues his excellent series on compression. In Part 3, he’ll look at using a compressor on guitars, keyboards and vocals..

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The basic principles of compression are pretty much the same for any instrument, but of course there are nuances for each, which is what we’ll soon cover. That said, here’s a brief review:

  • Acoustic instruments are usually more dynamic than electric instruments, and therefore need to be controlled more.
  • If you set the attack and release times of the compressor so it breathes with the track, the less likely you’ll hear it working in the track.
  • The more wild the peaks, the higher the compression ratio should be set. The fewer the peaks, the lower the ratio.
  • The more compression you use, the more likely that you’ll hear it, and the more likely it will color the sound.
  • A compressor turns into a limiter if the ratio is set to 10:1 or higher.

Table of Contents

  • The Principles Of Compression
  • Compressing Guitars
  • Compressing The Acoustic Guitar
  • Compressing Keyboards
  • Compressing Vocals
  • Compressing Loops

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