I have a Dolphin 7 site running an articles module.
I need to be able to import content (.txt files) into the database and the site in bulk.
I need to be able to do the following:
1) Upload articles by folder – each folder will have articles in the same category.
2) Use the first line of each .txt file as the title for the article. If there is an easy way to ensure that the inital letter of each word of the title was capitalised that’d be great!
3) Following on from (2) I’d like to be able to filter articles such that I can specify a certain number of lines from the bottom of the article be ignored and/or acertain number of lines be ignored from the top of the articles – some of the articles will be formatted with jeywords, word counts etc and I need to be able to avoid having these show up in the published articles. The word ‘Title’ should be filtered from the start of any line used as the title.
4) Set a consistent font and type size.
5) Need to ensure that page formatting with paragraphs is consistent and correct.
6) Set a category for the articles – all the articles in the same folder will always have the same category, we have a preset list of categories.
7) Set a consistent tag group but possibly with an override so I can set a group of tags to use on each article in a folder OR use different tags from one article to the next if required. A real ‘wish’ or ‘like to have’ would be some way to reliably generate tags from the category of the articles and from the title of the articles rather than having to do the work manually.
8) All articles to be set to publish without admin approval.
9) I’d like the option to set posting dates into the future so that content uploaded is set to be published in stages.
10) If articles posted could be pinged as they are published that’d be very cool. If pinging only occurred for those posts published immediately that’d be OK too, if pinging future posts is too complex.
11) I do not mind if the tool is not integrated with Dolphin but is a standalone application that directly addresses the Dolphin 7 database.
12) As an optional extra – assuming that it is not too costly to do it; I’d like to be able to choose a keyword in the article folders I upload and have it set to link to a URL of my choosing.