Small Php Message Board

I need a very basic 3 page bulletin board coded, I have already created the html template for the 3 pages you will need to code. The images of the pages are attached to better display how simple the board will actually be. You will need to code in the features required to make the board work and the security features detailed below. I want the coding done with ONLY php, no javascript whatsoever! Also the board MUST store/retrieve the data from a .txt file, not a mysql database! Please also make sure to write neat and secure code. I will submit the actual .html files to the winning bidder. Payment will be quickly released after seeing a working example, thanks!

– use php trim and strip_tags on Name, Message, and Captcha fields on forum and stop submission if the fields are blank and to remove any html they try posting

– use php strlen to make sure Name is not more than 15 chars

– use php strlen to make sure Message is not more than 150 chars

– use php strlen to make sure Captcha is not more than 6 chars

– i will provide a very simple php captcha using gd functions that i want used

– password protect the admin login page

– simply display the raw .txt file in the admin panel so i can remove posts from the file and save it to control the board

– make sure the user cannot flood the board, i would think using the captcha and sessions this would stop this?

– and lastly make sure a single long word like “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” does not throw off the design

That is all of the requirements I need, and the screenshots are attached. Thanks again!

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