Vehicle Inspection Site

Hi everyone,

A few years back, I had a small site made for me to enter, store, and print vehicle inspections to PDF. Now I want to improve the look and functionality of the next version of that site.

So here is what I need:

1. Inspection Creation Area
– Create your inspection categories and items

2. Data Entry/Edit Area
– Area where you enter/edit each vehicle inspection – basically just three radio buttons (Pass, Fail or Not Applicable) for each item

3. Inspection Viewing Area
– A searchable area (by Stock #, VIN # or Repair Order #) to find the inspection and one-click print it to PDF

A few bonus requests (not necessary, but would be cool)

– The ability to create multiple garages that keeps Garage A inspections separate from Garage B
– The ability to add technicians and create their own username/password and the inspections automatically show who did them
– Plus any additional items that you think would be a benefit

I’m attaching a few files from the existing site to give you an idea of where things are.

The biggest thing is to make the next version look better and work better than the current one.

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