I need just the initial pseudocode, IPO diagram, or flow chart for a program that will process a payroll for a company. This is a tight schedule and will need to be completed by Saturday night (only the pseudocode, IPO diagram or flow chart). You will need to include how you plan on solving this problem along with testing data to prove that your solutions work. I will provide a list of optional methods for this process. This program will eventually need to have a source code created for it done in java format (within 30 days) to be used with Netbeans IDE (I use version 7.0.1). This bid is for the whole project, but I will need the initial pseudocode, IPO diagram, or flow chart by Saturday night (October 15th 11pm EST).
The payroll for this program will pay bi-weekly, and will have three sections to it. The first will read timesheet records, create a file, and use that file to process the payroll. Second will be to create a check for the employee using the file created from the payroll file. Lastly, a graphical user interface program will be created to display the data for the check. See attached document for more information: