Tool: Script For Automatic Generation Of Certificates Required To Enable Push Notification

Push notifications are a topic searched for frequently on this site, and I’ve mentioned some great push notification resources – such as this push notification tutorial on which one commenter stated,

This is the f. best tutorial on push notification

Certainly the most tedious part of enabling push notifications is setting up the certificates, it’s a lengthy (and rather thoughtless) process that you probably would rather not do especially during those times when the developer website seems to be a bit laggy.

Fortunately when JP Richardson was faced with the task of enabling push notifications for 200 different iOS applications he decided  put together a script using Ruby and the Watir library to automate the process – and share the script with the rest of us.

You can find the script on the Github repository.

A nice little script to help save your sanity if you find yourself having to enable push notifications for a number of apps.

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