Payment Processor Integration Specialist Needed Asap

Hello payment integration specialist –

I have a membership site that currently
is programmed to accept Alert Pay, Paypal,

I currently use Alert Pay but they just stopped
accepting Visa and Mastercard.

I need to integrate my account with with my membership software
built by

I have API documentation from both companies
to provide you, the developer.

You will also have the email contact for
the integration master at pro pay and
the owner / programmer of my membership
software. The membership software is hosted
with the company so they are here to help
and said they will assist with any documentation
or questions you may have…

This will be a setting up a payment page
within my site to charge $10 per month. It
will be a monthly recurring purchase.

Please be a capable payment integration specialist
with a history of projects. Please don’t bid unless
this is your specialty.

Thank You


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