Change All Prices In Magento – Upon Changing Base Currency


A little about my website:

I have Magento shopping site – The base currency defined is USD ( US Dollars), There are almost a 1000 products on the website, some 3 to 4 attributes with additional prices in USD are also there which is common in almost all the items. I have been uploading the items with price defined in USD, The payment is processed by either paypal OR 2Checkout, in the 2checkout also i have defined my BASE Currency as US Dollors.

NOW the change that i want:

I NOW need to input the prices in Indian Rupees – as i procure item in indian rupees and am located also in india. I need to define the BASE currence now as INR ( indian rupees ) in both the website as well as the 2checkout and let the currency conversion of the website take care of currency rates and display as per the customer need.

My Problem:

For EXISTING items — I can simply not set the currency as INR becuase then all the numeric values will remain same but the currency will only change for example, like currently my item is priced at say 250 USD and if i change the default currency to INR then the system will take the prices to be as Rs 250 INR – which will be a disaster to my shop. Had i got few items i would have manually changed all the prices, BUT my system has about a 1000 item


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