Colored Social Media Marketing Icons (Web)

Colored Social Media Marketing Icons

What’s inside the box

  • 28 fully SCALABLE vector icons in a perfectly organized PSD
  • 28 colored 64px icons | PNG
  • Preview | JPG
  • Readme
  • Pixel perfect shapes

Usage suggestions

  • Billing Solutions
  • Community; Community Building
  • Consulting
  • Contacts
  • Content; Content writing
  • Site
  • Social Networks
  • Webinar
  • Viral video content
  • Viral Marketing
  • Targeting
  • Target Audience Analysis
  • Social
  • Social Media Optimization; SMO
  • Search Engine Optimization; SEO
  • Promotion
  • Promos
  • Press Releases
  • Public Relations; PR
  • Media
  • Link Baiting
  • Effectivity Check
  • Direct Mailing
  • Corporate Blogging

Download Colored Social Media Marketing Icons (Web)

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