Smooth Zoom Pan – jQuery Image Viewer (Images and Media)

This is a jQuery image viewer prepared to display product photos, maps or any image within custom small area. Can be configured and implemented in web pages with simple copy / paste steps.

More than 30 parameters available to customize the plugin, yet a standard version can work simply with 2 parameters:

    width: 480,
    height: 360


  • Initial Zoom level
  • Initial Position
  • Maximum zoom level
  • Minimum zoom level
  • Animation Smoothness
  • Animation Speed
  • Fit or Fill the image
  • Enable / Disable Pan buttons
  • Enable / Disable Pan Limitation
  • Adjustable Button Size, Color, Transparency, Alignment and Margin
  • Button Auto Hide and Delay Time
  • Mouse Drag / Touch Drag
  • Mouse Wheel zoom control
  • Mouse Cursor location zoom on mouse wheel
  • Mouse Double Click zoom
  • Border size, color, transparency
  • Full browser size option
  • Max width and height (for window resize)


Smoothness varies according to browser capabilities. The plugin utilizes best available methods on modern browsers while managing to optimize content for older browsers:

List of plugin settings:

Page Views:

Flash Files from VF:


Download Smooth Zoom Pan – jQuery Image Viewer (Images and Media)

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