Simple Html / Css

Build from the diagram.
All pages are layed out exactly the same way.
Define as much as possible using the CSS
Please use percents for defining borders and divides and other things.
Place blank filler images where it says blank image.
Please define pages locally
Please use blocky text and large color blocks for the nav links as pictured.
Be sure to change the color of the page the viewer is on in the menus.

File Structure – Name Containing Folder “Site”
Create A Separate Folder for CSS “css”
Create A Separate Folder for images. Store Blank image there
Create A Separate folder for about us, contact, Terms , and privacy
Create A Separate Folder for each of the left side categories.
Leave a sample page in each category folder (no need to make 6 each)

All html and css should be in good working order and validate perfectly.

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