Social Network Writing Site

We are looking for a designer/coder to create a website that allows people to post writings and musings of their own. The text they input will be automatically formatted using our filters to make the writings appear uniformly professional. The writing can be posted on 5 filters. We want users to have the ability to add friends and see recent postings by their friends in chronological order. In addition friends who read the postings will have the ability to rate the post with a graphical 1-5 rating represented by circles. There will be a comment section as well.

Users will create profiles, these profiles will consist of a picture which has to be automatically converted to black and white. The bio can also show age, sex, location, profession, religion, relationship status, political affiliation (which will all be set in drop downs.) This bio will only show as pop up when photo or name is clicked.

-Ability to post/integrate into facebook and google plus.
-Ability to notify friends of new post via twitter and linkedin integration.

Please email me with any questions

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