S3 Krypton Laser – Will Fry Satellites


The Spyder 3 Krypton laser is the world’s brightest handheld laser, Currently under review by Guinness World records, the S3 is over 8000 times brighter than the sun. I’m not sure why you would want a laser than can travel 85 miles besides the fact that you might want to fry UFOs that might be sniffing around our atmosphere.

As you can see from the video, this isn’t your average meeting pointer laser (unless your plan was to burn a whole in the wall) so be careful with this kids. If your wondering how dangerous this laser is, Wicked Lasers advises:

Warning: This laser’s brightness is potentially hazardous to pilots’ vision and satellite sensors. NEVER point it at an aircraft or a satellite. The S3 Krypton is too powerful to be used as a laser pointer or a gunsight. Never point it at another person, an animal or a vehicle.

They might want to add: tress, buildings, concrete, helicopters, appliances, furniture, well, you get my drift. If you still feel like living dangerously be prepared to fork out about $300 for this and probably a red flag with the Department of Homeland Security just for purchasing one.

[Link to Spyder 3 Krypton Laser]

tech.nocr.atS3 Krypton Laser – Will Fry Satellites originally appeared on tech.nocr.at on 2011/09/08. Reproduction of content not allowed without consent.

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