Pdf Upload/search/download Website

I have a small project I need done for school (I’m in a law and society masters program so this isn’t cheating on a comp sci course :)).

I need a website done in .PHP and HTML with a MySQL backend. The website is simply to search, display, upload, and download PDF files. The PDF files must be stored in a MySQL database and be searchable by title and keywords.

I need a webpage that has the search function on it as well as displaying the latest 5 PDF files when the page is opened. When the user does a search the page should display results of the search. The user should have the option of opening or downloading the .PDF files.

I need a webpage for uploading the .PDF files to the database that must be secured with a user id and password, the ability to add extra users would be nice (I will be manually adding users so no signup or confirmation needed). This page also needs to allow the person uploading the file to add the title and keywords to the upload for future searching.

That’s about all, but input is welcome.

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