Account Creator And Scraper

I want a bot created that will do a number of steps. The basic overview of the bot is this: Scrape content from sites ranking on Google for the keywords I provide, Scrape 20 Image URLs from Google Image search for the keyword and one Youtube video for the keyword. Then create an account at a web 2.0 site and create some posts with the content the bot scrapped.

1) Take one keyword from a list I provide

I will give the software a list of keywords to work with.

2) Scrape content from the first 20 webpage results on a Google search for that keyword

The software must do a US Google search for the keyword and visit the first 20 URLs that show in the results. Scrape the content from the page, leaving out all unnecessary HTML, symbols ect.

3) Go to Google image search for the keyword and take first 20 image urls

Take the first 20 image URLs. The URLs from where the image is actually hosted, and NOT Google servers URLs.

4) Go to Youtube for the keyword and take the first video URL

Do a Youtube search for the keyword and take the first results URL ready to be embedded in the web2.0 post.

5) Create a web2.0 account

Go to the web2.0 and create an account. Use the keyword in the Blog URL and Display Name fields. Email can be made up, there is currently no email confirm. Record used Email address, password and Blog URL into a text file or excel spreadsheet. The web2.0 allows you to change the template, I want the bot to change templates with each new account it creates.

6) Create a post for this keyword

The text that the bot scrapes for the keyword I want to be unique. To do this I want the bot to randomize the text, cutting sentences at random places, mixing and matching the text ect. The text should come out unreadable to humans, this does not matter.

I want to be able to give the bot a list of links and anchor text that it should use to randomly place amongst the text. I would like to specify the amount of links each time 1-10 links. Across the posts it creates, the number of paragraphs and general structure of the post should be randomized.

I want to specify the number of images to be placed in the post with the keyword as ALT Text. The youtube video needs to be embedded into the post also. We can further discus ways to randomly structure the whole post, I can provide live examples of how I want the post to look.

I want to specify the amount of posts it creates on ONE account, between 5-30 posts. It should do all the above steps for each keyword between 5-30 that I specify and create posts for each on the ONE account.

7) Then repeat the above steps for the next keyword

Once the selected number of posts have been created, the bot should clear the browser cache and cookies ect, and then change my IP. To change my IP I log into my modem through the browser, press one button and the IP changes.

Then create a new account and do it all over again for the next lot of keywords in the list.

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