Vlan Management

Development Tools
restricted to use Open Source tools e.g. HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl, Apache, MySQL, and OS (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.)

Common GUI Interface
User authentication
Admin and user rights
Add, modify and delete users and hosts
Installation guide and User guide

VLAN Management
Device Name (IP), Uptime, Status, Description (Model, Firmware version, Manufacturer)
Total no. of interfaces and their Types
Different VLAN configuration profiles (with specific no. of interfaces)
VLAN Name, Status
Total no. of VLAN enabled interfaces
Protocol used by each interface
Avg. bitrate of VLAN
Avg. bitrate of each interface of a VLAN
Total no. of dropped datagrams per VLAN (IPv4 + IPv6)
Total no. of dropped datagrams per interface of a VALN (IPv4 + IPv6)
Resetting of VLAN configuration
Probe on every T time (1 – 300 sec) and store information into the database
Graphs for: (daily, weekly, monthly)
o Bitrate / VLAN
o Bitrate / Interfaces of a VLAN
o Dropped datagrams / VLAN
o Dropped datagrams / Interface of a VLAN

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