Php Website


Got a website fully designed in CSS/HTML with a plugin showing different popup windows. I need PHP, MySQL, Admin created on this site.

Skills needed :

– Skilled Php coder
– Knowledge of databases
– Knowledge of Admin backend
– Knowledge of setting up the project ready for release
– Knowledge of HTML and CSS for minor tweaks

The Assignment:

– Create a MySQL database, I provide some info.
– Code in PHP and connect to the database.
– Create an admin panel for editing articles, and texts.
– Setting up appropiate email configurations.
– Validation on all input texts
– First create and upload the site on your own domain, and later upload on my domain for internal testing and release.


Create a new profile.

– Name
– Surname
– postal number
– E-mail a valid email, new user need to confirm this email.
– Password – numbers, or text, all lettertypes.
– Repeat password
-checkbox accept conditions
-Submit button (Sends info to the database).
-New user recieves Email confirmation when formular is sent.(A link and some text taken from the database).


– Email
– Password
– Remember login
– Forgot password (This page needs to be created with features)

User page, when user is logged in.

Create info.

– Maincategories dropdown (8 Categories taken from the databse)
– Subcategories dropdown (Around 6 bound to each Maincategori)
– Price inputfield
– Experience dropdown (4 choices)
– Further info (pure text, max 450 letters)

About info.

– Title inputfield, user writes a description.
– kilometers, imputfield, only numbers
– General descripttion (pure text, no max on letters)

Profile Image:

– Able to upload an image (Automatic sizing by width – PNG, JPG, GIF)

Find/Search profile :

– Features a dropdown, with Maincategories
– Features a normal searchfield, searching on maincategories and subcategories
– Features a searchfield to search by postal code
-A search button
– Found profiles will be displayed on the page
– All content filled in “Create info” and “About” info is searchable

Aticle info.
– An article consists of : Header, teaser, date, maintext, image
– Be able to add article and an image to the database.
– Be able to edit an article and add image to the article.
– Be able to delete an article and an image.

Searching for profiles

Be able to search for profiles by categori, subcategori, postalcode and freetext. Freetext should work like google – all searchable info is taken from the database.

Contact profile
-Your name
-Your email
-Your message, a prefilled message displayed, and some words here are connected to the database, fe. A subcategori.

Email confirmations:
Recieve an email when you create a user, press a link and be redirected to the right page
When you contact a profile, the profile will recieve an email.

For any further info, PM me, I can also provide more in-depth info about this project. Furthermore I´ll be able to provide a link to the page setup in CSS / HTML.

Best Regards

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