Simple Wp Install And Posting

I need somebody to do a simple job cheaply for me.

I have 50 domains with hosting. I will provide you the cpanel details for the 50 sites. I will also provide 50 posts for each of the 50 sites (so 2500 posts).

I need you to:

A) login to the cpanels and install WP on the route domain for all of them (i guess most/all will have softaculous or a similar script)

B) Install a different random theme for all 50 sites and make sure that the themes are sorted so there are no links on the page.

C) Set WP to show 50 posts on the homepage

D) Copy and paste the posts for each site that i send you so that each domain has these 50 posts showing on the homepage.

THAT’s it. 🙂

I’m not sure how long this would take, it depends how fast you are. I guess 2-5 days depending on how quick you are at this stuff.

This will probably be a once a month job for new sites….

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