Monetisation And Seo Of Pr4 Free Web Host

Monetisation and SEO of PR4 Free Web Host

We recently purchased a free web hosting site and when we replaced the previous owner’s adsense codes on the site with our own, the adsense revenue dropped to almost nothing overnight from an average of $70+ a day!

The site currently offers users a completely free cPanel account and in return the site is “supposed” to generate revenue from placing an adsense banner top and bottom of the free users’ sites. The site currently has over 8,000+ free members and also makes a small income from users who purchase upgrades.

Since our purchase of the site, only three weeks ago, we have seen a significant drop in page impressions from approximately 40,000+ to around 4,000-10,000 per day. Additionally the PR4 has dropped to PR3 and our Alexa ranking has dropped from 57,018 to 70,446.

Further, it would appear that some free users are either managing to remove the adsense codes from their sites, or for some other reason the adsense banners are not appearing.

We are new to free hosting websites and require someone with expertise in this area to help resurrect the site to its former rankings and income and then take it beyond… there may also be a future opportunity for the successful bidder to be offered a permanent administrative position, should income generated from the site allow this.

We will pay 30% of the bid amount initially, with the remaining 70% paid only AFTER we see constant income into our adsense account (or other advertising network account), a rise in page impressions, Alexa rankings and PR. We will hold the payment for 30 days until this has been confirmed.

Bidders will only be considered if they provide the following:
• Information about how you will direct and increase traffic to the website;
• Some examples of similar projects you have worked on successfully and recommendations from past, happy clients;
• All work performed on the site must be 100% within adsense TOS; and
• Absolutely no black hat methods are to be employed!

We will consider looking at advertising sources for increasing revenue from the site, other than adsense, so feel free to “think outside the box”. However, please remain mindful that all traffic and ad clicks must be 100% legitimate. We are not prepared to risk our accounts and reputation.

Only experienced bidders with a proven record will be considered.
We look forward to receiving detailed bids, listing experience and your plans for increasing traffic and revenue for the site!

If you think you have the necessary expertise to tackle this job and would like more detailed information regarding the project and actual site please private message us via scriptlance.

Happy bidding!

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