Bus Reservation & Payment Website

I am looking for someone to build both the back & front end of a simple website, to reserve seats on a charter bus for day trips to go skiing/snowboarding. I reserve charter buses directly, then re-sell the seats to skiers wishing to make day trips to local resorts.

This project will involve building both the reservation system and a clean, simple, user friendly interface for the user. There doesn’t need to be much functionality at this point beyond booking a ticket and printing/displaying the ticket. I would also need to be able to send a reminder email to the customer prior to the scheduled trip date, and have a database of customers, # of trips purchased, contact info.

There needs to be an adjustable threshold (changeable by me as prices fluctuate) for when trips are confirmed, ie. if a bus reaches 35 customers a week prior to the trip, it will happen; if there are 34 customers, an email is sent saying “unless the bus gets 3 more riders in the next 48 hours, this trip will be cancelled and your $$ refunded)

The site needs 3 simple things:

1) Show Upcoming Trips/Locations/Price

2) Allow user to make a payment to reserve a seat on the trip (payment by CC/paypal at time of reservation). Price needs to be adjustable by me for different trips, locations, etc.

3) Printable and/or display on mobile device ticket for the trip

You are free to use any open source/free solutions as long as they are okay for commercial sites. For example a google map to show location would be fine.

This should be a relatively simple project for the experienced web developer, and a fast turn around time would be helpful (and compensated for).

Please get in touch with me with a bid at your convenience, or with any questions you might have. The simple version comes first, if we have a good second season I hope to add functionality and probably means further work for you. (I did reservations through FB and collected money at the door last year)

Thanks in advance,


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