I need a website that contain:
1.home page of the portal
2.index of businesses (contain 3 kinds:regular,silver and gold) page
3.users profile page with two sections :profile and something like miniblog experiences so they can write and upload photoes.(and can edit their profile)
4.businesses profile card page so they can edit their details and write about their business
5.an empty contents page for later things that i would like to add
6.questions&answers page divided to catagories that i can do it myself
7.galery of users pictures page with comments and voting option
8.page with posts of the users that want to share and can get comments
9.payments page
10.page with products that i have to sell like ebooks
11.option to put banners in places all over the site(with admin section to follow the banners and put new one every time i want i place that i decided earlyer
12.the admin section will be with statistics about things that i want and comfortable to use
the programmer will get after this work more works if he will create a beautiful design to the website and comfortable admin section
the bid for this job is 300$-1000$ max.. and till 21 days