I need a Storypage with following feat.
1. Only Register user can submit storys.
(loginsystem, only check per email
after submit a story send a email to user with link to compare email) like forum registerpages.
It is posilble to check is the new story also in database ?
can check about first 100 – 200 words sequence . And then give a result to admin. is a new words sequence is a new story. and is a words sequence with … percent the is near is not new story.. and if 100 percent words sequence then is a double story all this mail to admin. – it is a idea from my brain…
2. Mail to Admin “New Story, check”
3. Admins can read, edit, del, in Admin part
4. if story ok all users can read full new storys, comment on it and rate it.
5. Statistics
6. Top storys
(reset per hand)
top of week, month, year, category
7. user can Mail to admin “Bad Story”
8. Mail story to friends
9. Search story
10 preview, without login you can read only 10 or 50 words of story.
11. Must include can a adultcheck system. !! Only user have pass the adultcheck can read the full story!
12. Import/export function in adminpart
I need i very clean PUR CSS Design !! Dont will have many pics in design.
The build needs to be search engine friendly and it should be easy to update (graphics and text should be simple to change). Comment tags are welcome.
Usage of CSS without tables in design is mandatory, and will need to validate for xhtml and css with the WC3 validators
Code will need to be pixel perfect in IE,Firefox,Chrome,Opera.
This is NOT a one time deal, we will need your service for other PHP projects as well.
Your Work must be clean, fast, secure, and well commented.
Site must be as small and fast possible
Programmer Requirements:
We need you with MSN-Messanger for fast comunications.
You are responsible for design, scripting, database and installation
You will provide 60 day post implementation support
You must keep in touch and respond all inquiries within 24 hours.
If anything is not clear to you PLEASE ASK me.
i have this Storypage too in ASP, but i will change to a V-Server with Typo3