Embed Gallery Flash Inside Another Flash

I have some flash photo galleries made with SimpleViewer Pro:

Here is a sample of a gallery:

You can download the source here:

I also have a full page flash with a menu that opens a content area when a menu item is clicked. Like this:
The animated box that opens and closes is important.

I need for the galleries to be inside the animated content boxes. There needs to be a different gallery for each menu item.

I have been told it can not be done because of the structure of the simpleviewer gallery.

I need it to make it work, and I am open to creative ideas to make this work.

Here is one ides to make this work: It is ok if we split the menu and content area into two separate flashes and then alter the simpleviewer galleries to draw the box around themselves. That way they could retain the same structure and be embedded in a simple HTML page instead of inside of another flash.

Please let me know your ideas and how you could make it work. I need this done very quickly (within 24 hours). There are 6 galleries that need to be embedded within the animated flash boxes.


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