PHP Questions & Answers Script (Social Networking)

Questions & Answers is a PHP Script with all the features of a questions and answers site which can be used to
any website… from questions and answers about that particular website, feedback about a site or be used as a
website for general questions about anything.


  • Full Login – Register – Activate – Reset Activate link – Reset Password System
  • Administration Panel where admin can :
  • – Add/edit/delete/view users.
  • – Add/Edit/delete/view questions/answers or comments generally or of a user.
  • – Delete questions/answers/comments votes or flags generally or of a user.
  • – Add new user.
  • – View Statistics about this script
  • User Profile where user can edit the profile or add a picture
  • User can Vote or Flag a question/answer/comment
  • Get Reputation for each action
  • Add Questions, answers or reply to answers with a comment.
  • Mark a question as Solved or Unsolved
  • View Seperately Solved/Unsolved questions
  • Pagination
  • Order the results
  • Search engine
  • Friendly URLs
  • View Related Questions based on the current question the user is watching
  • About/Help/Contact/FAQ Pages read only needs with your content
  • Time of post of each Qusetion/Answer of Comment (ex. 3 seconds ago)
  • Rating System
  • Flagging System
  • Slides of Top Contributors/Top Voted/Viewed Questions/Newest Members


email: [email protected]

password: Test123


Please feel free to comment for any question you might have regarding this item.


1.0 (10.7.2011)

  • Initial release of the script

Download PHP Questions & Answers Script (Social Networking)

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