How to Create Mental Sphere

This Photoshop tutorial shows how to create mental sphere and get realistic reflection from environment to this sphere.

Final Image Preview

How to Create Mental Sphere


Step 1

Open Mountain Photo on Photoshop. Go to Image > Image Size and change width to 1000px and height to 664px.

How to Create Mental Sphere 1

Step 2

Open Yoga Photo and copy it to Mountain Photo. Select Yoga Layer and press Ctrl+T to reduce size of photo like shown below.

How to Create Mental Sphere 2

Step 3

With Yoga layer selected, use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (Feather: 0 px, Anti-alias selected) to select women.

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DonĀ“t forget that we have some landscape areas inside of selection. Hold Alt button and using Polygonal Lasso Tool deselect those areas.

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Press Ctrl+Shift+I to inver selection and press Delete button to clear selected area.

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Step 4

Remove selection with Select > Deselect, then correct brightness and contrast with Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast:

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Step 5

Select background layer (Mountain). Make round selection with Elliptical Marquee Tool on it.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate selected area to new layer. Select content layer by pressing Ctrl and clicking on thumbnail layer on layers. Load sphere selection by going to Select > Load Selection. Then apply Filter > Distort > Spherize:

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Step 6

With selection still active, create new layer above all layers and fill it with black color.

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Apply Filter > Render > Clouds to this layer.

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Step 7

Apply Filter > Distort > Spherize.

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Step 8

Change layer mode to Screen and lower opacity to 57%.

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Step 9

With selection still active, create new layer above all layers and fill it with black color.

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Step 10

Deselect area with Ctrl+D an update layer opacity to 0%. After that go to Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow and apply style with following settings:

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Final Image

How to Create Mental Sphere

This tutorial is now complete. Hope you liked it!

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