A Community for App Developers

The app development process is not always an easy one. Developers must tackle issues such as how to use caching effectively or how to utilize the state machine to make the app more energy efficient. Inevitably, obstacles and unforeseen issues arise along the way.

Turning somewhere for help is also a natural part of the app development process. That’s why sites like Mobile Orchard exist – to provide the latest in news and tips for all the developers out there. That’s also why a new Facebook community, Kickin’ Apps, was started – to create a space where developers can share best practices and tips, as well as work together to build better apps.

Are you bringing out the full potential of your app? I hope to see you on the Page, where developers can provide a fresh perspective to the whole process. Pay a visit to Kickin’ Apps and let’s start collaborating!

Michael is part of the AT&T Developer Program and is an admin of the Kickin’ Apps Facebook Page.

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