I would like the following working on my website.
Email Verification (the existing code doesn’t work properly with the script.)
I would like for the script to prompt you to verify your email after signing up. For existing users i would like something to show from the user homepage that their email address is not verified with a link to send a verification email.
Account Deletion (the existing code doesn’t work properly with the script.) I would like where someone deletes there account to be fixed since it doesn’t send out the deletion email.
Email Change Verification: I would also like it if when a user goes to change their account email it would require a verification email sent to there existing email address to confirm the new email change with a link.
I have attached the following files:
delete_account.php (where one would go to delete there account)
delete_account_confirm.php (where one would go after you confirm email)
valid_email.php (where one would go to verify email)
My script is at http://friendalicious.com