Need Video Recorder, Live Streaming, Video Conference integrated into script.
A similar integration was done for AVS and can be used to inspire the works.
Main features for members:
– record videos from webcam: flv generated FLV must be converted to mp4 with h264 using ffmpeg and listed as regular videos
– stream live: the live streaming channel shows embedded on their profile page and also snapshots for online broadcasters on front page; non-members (visitors) can also watch the streaming channels
– participate in video conference rooms
Latest PHP editions for VideoWhisper plugins can be downloaded freely from website:
Will also provide latest Clip-Share script to work on.
List your previous experience with php coding (with links). Previous work on ClipShare or VideoWhisper integrations is a plus.
1. Package and instructions to deploy ClipShare with VideoWhisper plugins.
2. Package and instructions to deploy VideoWhisper plugins on existing ClipShare installation.
Communication will be done via PMB.
A compatible hosting account will be provided to upload progress.
Progress updates should be sent, shown at least 2 times per week.
Bid with realistic durations and include some extra time to make sure you can do it within the timeframe. Cancellation will be required if project is not ready within bid timeframe.
All amount will be escrow on project start and will be released when everything is done, functional, delivered as in project requirements.