Although we usually spend our hours reviewing applications from others here at AppStorm, next week we’ll be doing something slightly different! We’ve developed a delightfully simple app for freelancers, called “Unwind”.
Unwind encourages you to take regular breaks from working at your machine, with a simple countdown timer and a relaxing environment to enjoy during your time away from work. We have some soothing music, and beautiful photos from Envato’s upcoming photo marketplace.
It’s a fun little utility for Mac-using freelancers, and we can’t wait to share it with you next week. To secure your copy, all you need to do is join the AppFanatix newsletter! We’ll be sending out an email to all our subscribers on Monday with details on how to download their free copy of Unwind.
AppFanatix is already enjoyed by over 6,000 people, and it’s the best way to stay up-to-date with the latest developments at AppStorm, receive fortnightly deals on fantastic software, and hear about promotions such as our Freelance Mac App Bundle!
Subscribe now, and secure your free copy of Unwind!
Don’t Forget to Grab the Freelance Mac App Bundle…
We’ve now sold over 1,000 copies of our awesome bundle, that contains every essential Mac app for freelancers: Billings, TextExpander, LittleSnapper, Alarms, Arq, Radium, WriteRoom, 1Password, and much more. Time is ticking away, so don’t forget to grab your copy before it’s too late!