Advanced Error Logging (Miscellaneous)

Key Features

  • Easy to use
  • Simple installation process
  • Has the ability to log fatal errors (E_ERROR) and higher (E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, etc)
  • Errors can be logged to a MySQL database or a file
  • Simple admin area for viewing logged errors
  • Logs the following information0n on each error

    • The time that the error occurred
    • The error level
    • The actual error message
    • The file that caused the error
    • The line that caused it

This item enables you to log any php errors that occur in your script for later review.
There are a number of reasons why this is a good thing to do, the main one being that any
potential attackers can get valuable information about your system from the errors generated
by php. By logging the errors and preventing them being displayed you can stop them getting
hold of this information and also keep a record of the fact that something has gone wrong.

One other major reason is to help with debugging, if you have a log of errors that have come
up when people have been using your site, you can prevent them from causing problems. Not
everybody would report a php error being displayed as a bug, and if they did they may not
include the full error message.

A demo of the admin area can be found at the password for this is “demo”. When you log in a selection of random errors will be generated for your session.

If there are any problems with this item, the best place to ask is in the forum as I check that at least once a day.

Download Advanced Error Logging (Miscellaneous)

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