News: Cocos2D-X Updated – Lua Script Support Added

I’ve mentioned Cocos2D-X previously – the C++ version of the popular Cocos2D game engine that allows for cross platform development on iOS, Android, and Windows complete with templates written for Xcode and Visual Studio.

Not too long ago I saw that Lua scripting was added into the build on Github along with a demo project showing a simple game scene. This has now been added to the official release.

Every function available within Cocos2D-X is available through the Lua scripting engine. You can check out the “HelloLua” project for syntax.

You can find the official news on this release here:
0.8.5 released! Lua support, xcode4 templates and more.

The homepage for Cocos2D-X can be found here.

No workarounds like Wax needed for Lua scripting anymore, the speed looks good so at the very least this is a great start for official Lua scripting within Cocos2d.

Read More: iPhone Dev News

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