Matte Painting 101: Lighting Fires

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Matte painting is a technique that filmmakers use to create backgrounds for scenes that can’t or don’t exist in real life. In the early days, matte paintings were actually painted onto glass. Today, modern filmmakers use digital applications such as Photoshop to produce the backdrops that they need. We have published many matte painting tutorials on this site meant for intermediate and advanced users. This tutorial is part of a series of tutorials that we will be publishing on this meant for those of you who may be relatively new to Photoshop or matte painting in general.

Today’s tutorial, Matte Painting 101: Lighting Fires will teach you how to extract and combine two images, use adjustment layers to make a nighttime scene, how to paint with masks, create highlights, and how to paint fires and torches. Let’s get started!

Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.

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