Refine/fix Web App Programmed In Php (smarty Template)

I require a programmer that is able to program in PHP/MYSQL and understands the smarty template as well as have a little knowledge in handling Paypal IPN.

Basically the web application is, a web app that lets you create quizzes, surveys and feedback forms.

It is programmed about a year ago now by a programmer with PHP/MYSQL, on the Smarty Template. I know very minimal PHP (am learning to add on to my web design skills), but with the Smarty Template it is throwing me off a little.

Over the past year of development and upgrades there are at least 2 different programmers which worked on various developments/refinements/upgrades. Web design within the app is done by myself, along with some other minor functions.

Now, QuizFunnel is nearing full completion of it’s refinements, with what I’m about to show you the remaining ones (but very important ones to ensure best user experience!).

Here is what I need done:

1) Payment Processing Issues (Paypal IPN, PHP, Smarty, SwiftMailer)
Currently the payment plan for QuizFunnel is that it only accepts ONE payment method by paypal. The user first registers an account on QuizFunnel, after which s/he is forwarded to paypal to make payment. If the user makes payment, his/her account is ACTIVATED. If s/he doesn’t make payment, then the account is created but NOT activated.
There are some quirks in here:

– Initially, the first programmer programmed it such that only when the payment method is a subscription method (recurring payment on paypal) can the QuizFunnel script detect that there is payment, and hence ACTIVATE the account automatically and also displays the transaction ID in the ‘admin’ panel.

– However, just yesterday, a friend helped me edit the payment code in such a way that now the account is automatically activated with a ONE-TIME payment. However, the transaction ID is NOT shown (because a one time payment transaction ID is different from a subscription ID apparently)
The changes and additions I need are:

* I plan to have 3 types of payment plans in place: 2 recurring (monthly payment and annually payment) and 1 one-time payment (lifetime license)

* Hence I require payment methods for all 3, with transaction ID shown, and also automatic activation of account when payment is done.

* I would also like the user to PAY first before registering an account. However, upon registration, account is activated (because user has already paid).

* I would like the user to receive an email with user details after registering (this was created at the start, but throughout all the various edits it somehow broke. I believe there is this SwiftMailer thingy installed for this purpose but it is not working)

2) Reset password option (PHP, Smarty, SwiftMailer)
Basically I do NOT have access to the user’s password (I requested it that way – the programmer encrypted it I believe). Hence if the user forgets his/her password, I am unable to help retrieve it for him. Hence I was thinking – is it possible to:

* from the user management panel, i can click a link to choose to reset a user’s password which will reset the password to be something new, and THEN send an email with the new password to his/her email.

3) Default ‘Sample Quizzes’ for new users set up
This is for user experience. Right now when a new user signs up, s/he sees an empty screen (I do plan to add messages, videos and a wizard to make it more ‘welcoming’ and all). However, after discussion with some people, I realize that the best way would be to pre-create several quizzes which can be used immediately or serve as a ‘sample reference’. As such:

* Upon new user reigstration, auto create 3 types of quizzes which will be placed in their dashboard (so there are ‘sample quizzes’ which they can use immediately)
* I will provide the various form fields..I just do not know how to make it such that the quizzes are auto-created into the database for every new user account

4) “Flash” Notification Messages
For user experience. Basically, on some pages such as the Main Dashboard, Questions, Evaluations, Funnels and Visual Editor, whenever the user clicks the ‘save’ button or clicks to ‘focus on a new quiz’ (Main Dashboard) the user does not get a ‘feedback’ of the change. I’m referring to something like these boxes:

Create ‘flash notices’ for several pages. Flash notices are basically where after an action is taken (say, a new quiz is created) it will display a div box showing a message such as ‘New Quiz Created!’. This message will disappear once the page is refreshed.
I only need these for certain pages that has the ‘save’ button and also in the Main Dashboard where there are some actions such as selecting on a new quiz and duplicating a quiz. Is this hard to do?

5) Global variable for Wizard display
Basically I intend to display a ‘wizard’ for every page to more or less guide the user as to how to create their first quiz, etc. My intention is as such:

* Create a global variable which can be switched on/off in the ‘settings’ page.

* This variable will be used to determine whether the ‘Instruction Wizard’ is switched on/off and hence display it appropriately.

* I just require you to create a global variable (I do not know how on the smarty template) which can be switched on/off in the settings account – everything else I can handle once I know how to detect if $globalvariable = 1, then display wizard.


That is all. If you require more information, simply ask in the PMB and I will try my best to answer as much as I can. I have to admit it is a little tough though without an instant chat/access into the dashboard.

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