Nettuts+ Builder (Mac)

Nettuts+ Builder turns the process of compressing scripts and stylesheets, and uploading a project to your server into as simple a process as possible.

How’s It Work?

Let’s say that you finished a coding project or demo. Simply drag the folder onto the Builder menu icon, and it will:

  • Create a new “Publish” directory
  • Compress all JavaScript files
  • Compress all Stylesheets
  • Optionally upload them, via FTP , to a designated folder on your server.

If you’ve found yourself manually compressing your files and uploading them to your server, this automates the entire process!

Still Confused?

Click on the “Video Preview” link below the image above for a walk-through.

What’s Coming Next?

This app is being actively developed. Coming soon:

  • HTML compression.
  • Automatic concatenation of all scripts and stylesheets.
  • Automatic updating of HTML files with references to the newly concatenated assets.
  • Single file uploads
  • After uploading, a link to the url will be added to the clipboard.
  • Glossless image compression

What would you like to see added to Builder? Let us know, and we just might implement it!

If You Like Builder…

Then you’ll love our other app, Structurer!

Download Nettuts+ Builder (Mac)

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