Business Website

I want to run a subscription-based website where single and stepparents can meet each other (a bit like a dating website but without the naughty bits … although it’d be a good idea to have a dating one or them, too!). It needs a forum, opt in forms, exit pop ups and a link to an author blog. I want to sell my book and other products alongside, and it needs to be up and running by the end of August latest if I want to capitalise on publicity that my publisher is setting up for me.

I haven’t given much of an idea in terms of ‘feel’, but the websites I’ve been looking at mostly are “”, “” and “”. As the site needs to appeal to both men and women it can’t really be too flowery and feminine, but I’d like it to be attractive and ‘friendly’ nonetheless. I have no logo either – hope you can help with some ideas on that.

I imagine there are around a dozen pages and although I have mapped it out there are definitely a few holes in the planning so far – for example, the profile page form, and the second forum page .. I started to get a bit confused with what happens when and to whom and how. I’d really appreciate your getting back to me with a quote and any important questions you might have about the job.

Looking forward to speaking with you –


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