Two Apps For Online Store.1 Etsy Posting-fb & 1 Importing

Hey everyone,

First App – along the lines of posting Etsy items to designated facebook account

I need an app build to post items from people’s ‘shop/s’ onto facebook. This isn’t something new so if you do your research I am sure you can get the project completed nice and quickly.

Points to keep in mind:
-Project needs to be completed quickly (within 5 days) so please, don’t bid if you can’t meet this deadline
-Do not bid if you cannot meet deadline to have app implemented!
-I have seen similar project/s posted around the web, so keep you bids realistic
-The App needs to be visually pleasing and work smoothly and well – See Etsy for a working demo
-I have colouring, logo, etc to be integrated into app already done

Second App – importing shop items from Etsy and/or to a new online marketplace.

The second app is needed so new shop owners can import items from their current stores, in either/ both of Etsy or, into a new marketplace. The app will need to grab as much information, on each item currently listed, from their current store as is possible (ie. item name, item description, item photos, item pricing etc) with the seller filling out missing information as required, in a straightforward manner – I can provide a complete list of what there is and you can see what you can get to.

This app is also to be completed within 5 days from time bid is awarded, which I will do as soon as a worthy bid is put up! If deadline is missed I would expect a large reduction in fees.

If you can do this job well, and in a timely manner, this is a project you can get done quickly and get paid quickly for!

I look forward to hearing from you all and good luck to the best bidder.

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