Autoresponder Instant Email Verification Script 2

I want to create a little script that can be attached to any autoresponder web form (Aweber, GetResponse, etc.) in order to instantly verify and notify the person which enters an incorrect email address. The moment someone submits an incorrect email address, he should be instantly notified that the email address he entered does not exist and that he should enter a correct email address. It should say something like this:

“Incorrect Email Address! The email address you have entered does not exist!
Please enter a correct email address!”

Very important: the code must work with any autoresponder service available out there and can be easily installed on the squeeze page where the autoresponder web form is located.

As far as script design, I want something simple, and I am expecting you to create something that is easy for you to design and is easy to use. Please send me a screen shot with what the script would look like.

If you bid on this project, make sure you describe in detail how do you plan on doing this.

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