Best Resouces In iOS Development – June 20th 2011

Another great week has gone by with many developers still learning the ins and outs of the new iOS 5 SDK.

While the iOS 5 SDK is still underway many great resources were featured on this site this week, with the most popular being open source libraries for easy user interface enhancement, and game engine updates, and tool releases.  A new book on Cocos2D is also being released soon, that looks terrific.

Here are the top new resources on this site from the past week ordered by popularity:

Open Source: Easy UITableView Within A UIAlertView – An extremely useful library that allows you add perfect looking UITableViews within a UIAlertView, even allows for multiple selections.

Sparrow Framework Adds Particle System – The excellent Sparrow Framework iOS game engien has added a very easy to use particle system that even supports the Particle Designer tool.

Open Source: Library For An Easy To Implement Copyable UITableViewCell – Useful library that allows for you to easily create UITableView cells from which the user can copy/paste data.

Learn Cocos2D Book From Ray Wenderlich And Rod Strougo Nears Release – A new Cocos2D book is being released featuring the creation of a fully featured game from start to finish.

Tool: LevelHelper Level Editor With Physics – An excellent level editor tool allowing for easy level creation and physics within multiple environments (eg. Cocos2D, Cocos2D-X, and Corona SDK)

Tutorial: Dynamic Textures In Cocos2D – Excellent tutorial explaining how to create textures within Cocos2D that can change dynamically.

Open Source: Multitude Of Useful Cocos2D Extensions – A new library featuring many small, but useful extensions for the Cocos2D game engine.

Comparison Of iOS Crash Report Managers – Listing and comparison of several different iOS crash report managers.

Thanks for reading, please bookmark and share this post!

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