Quick Look: ABC Zoo: Learn by Playing

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In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting ABC Zoo: Learn by playing. The developer describes ABC Zoo: Learn by playing as an iOS application orientated to teach children the alphabet in a fun and exciting way. Kids will be able to browse through beautiful hand drawings of animals and letters, paint on top of every space in the screen with their fingers, share their creations anywhere they choose to, or simply enjoy a funny tune.

To learn more, check out this video.

Read on for more information and screenshots!






About the App

Here are the top five features you can expect to see in the latest version:

  • Beautiful hand drawn images of animals from A to Z.
  • Helps children learn the alphabet.
  • Entertains your children.
  • Universal application, works great on every device.
  • Easy to use.

Requirements: 4+

Price: 0.99

Developer: Raúl Riera

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