Group Buying Website With Mlm


The main script I would like is identical to the gripsell daily deals script. The features of the script can be found at A demo of the front end, adminend & merchant end can be found at

I would like the following additional features on the script:

Include a MLM(Multi Level Marketing) user referral program.
– The referral program will give user who made referrals a % of completed sales from his referrals.
– Should be able to set how many tiers of commission the user (Not different for each user) would get from the backend up to 10.
-Be able to change the % commission of sale from the backend
-The program should be able to generate the following reports from the backend at a minimum:
If you select a user you must be able to generate a list users referred by that user & purchases for those users for a specified period.
Automatically email users every month statements of all referral purchases made for the month and the amount payable to them.

A similar referral program for referring business, however this commission should be changeable per user and does not need to be MLM. The above reports should be included.

On registration of users would like users to select interest, such as gaming, Partying, Motoring etc

Will require you to edit layouts & design of various screens, i.e Mainly Colors.

The initial pop up subscription box needs to be amended to promote the above MLM concept as well as business referrals concept.


The updated script will need to be installed on a provided hosting account and set up with a new payment gateway.


Could you please quote on a monthly seo service to obtain a good search engine ranking?


We currently face to option and would p\like you to advise to us on which you prefer:

Option 1:
For you to build up the script from the start

Option 2:
To purchase the gripsell script, and amend it.

Could you please let us know which option you would prefer?

The above is the main outline of the project. Small changes may be required during the project.

Thank you

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