Website Similar To

I need a website built that will function similarly to but will need to be built from the ground up and not a clone. Every technology used on groupon such as credit card payment, chat, email blasts, referral system with credits, customer accounts, back end html creation, back end reporting, automatic webpage posting for 24 hr period, geographical mapping etc. In addition I would like to add Iphone and web interface as well as coupon tracking and verification via standard phone line or web. If you can make this website look as good as and work as well as groupon then submit your bid. Please become familiar with the groupon site bfore placing bid so that there are no excuses. This site needs to be done as quickly as possible and I am more concerned with quality of craftsmanship than speed of production. I would like it done in 5 weeks if possible but I will allow a little more time if necessary. This will be the first of several websites that we will produce and a long term relationship to upgrade this site on a continual basis and produce sister websites is sought. We need to get this up and running on a limited budget and once running will be able to reward the right programming team with more work for a long time to come. Please provide some sort of portfolio for me to see your work.

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