Quick Look: Codeplane

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In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting Codeplane. The developer describes Codeplane as a Git hosting focused on small teams and freelancers. You’ll receive 2GB and can create unlimited private repositories. You can also invite unlimited collaborators.

Codeplane comes with a command-line app which allows you to manage repositories, SSH public keys and collaborators. You don’t have to use our web interface, but if you do, you’ll see a nice interface that just works.

Read on for more information and screenshots!


Codeplane's Homepage

Repositories in Codeplane

About the App

Here are the top five features you can expect to see in the latest version of Codeplane:

  1. Unlimited private Git repositories
  2. Unlimited collaborators
  3. Full-featured command-line
  4. Backup repositories on your Amazon S3 account
  5. Easy-to-use interface

Requirements: Any modern browser
Price: $9/month
Developer: Nando Vieira

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