After Effects This Fortnight

The last two weeks have seen more AE news on tutorials, plug-ins, etc. and more action on the Premiere side too while FCP X waits in the wings.


After Effects

Chris & Trish Meyer posted several tutorials: After Effects Apprentice Free Video: Overview of Per-character 3D Text, CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 27 – Keying, After Effects Apprentice Free Video: The “Cascade” Type Animation Recipe, and CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 26 – Color Management.

Filmaker IQ helps you Clean a Dirty Lens in After Effects in a quicktip video:

Steve Kirby talks about features in The future of After Effects. Paul Conigliaro had a quickie wishlist: Folders in AE Timeline on Motion League.

Chad Perkins posted a 3-part video series on the basics of Rigging an Arm in AE with Shape layers, parenting, and expressions.

@spacesimon couldn’t save an AE proj because it was over 2.15 Gig. Apparently the new AE filter Lut Buddy was bloating his project with lots of 3D 32-bit Float LUT’s applied.

Impossible Engine discusses Fisheye tracking and compositing workflow and made a CS 5.5 AE Project available on Vimeo.

Chris Zwar takes A quick look at multi-pass compositing using After Effects.

Ideas to Creations has a bunch of AE stuff to share including Join Points with a Line with Expressions.

Joren Kandel added 3 short videos on using C4D, the .RPF format, and AE. Here’s a sample:


NLEs has been tracking Apple, see particularly FCPX 1.0 “It will not be ready for professional use” says Larry Jordan (with 4 videos):

Scott Simons discusses things that might be answered next week in My burning questions about Final Cut Pro X, and Premierebeat adds 10 Noteworthy Final Cut Pro X Related Videos and Posts – What We Know & What to Expect. The new features from the old Apple Color look like they may be good.

Compositing in Premiere Pro by Eran Stern shares real-time compositing experience in Premiere Pro using the Ultra Key and Track Matte Key effects and how to overcome the limitations of the Track Matte effect using advanced tips and tricks.

Andrew Devis promotes Understanding Automation Modes in Premiere Pro, demonstrating the clip-based key-framing approach and the track-based automation mode. Devis also posted part 1 of  Understanding Transform Effects in Premiere Pro.



Premiumbeat roundsup 10 Great Online Resources for DSLR Video Production and Post.


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