Moroccan monarch unveils reforms

Morocco's King Mohammed VIKing Mohammed VI has promised greater democracy for the people of Morocco
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Morocco’s King Mohammed VI is expected to announce constitutional amendments in a landmark televised speech.

The reforms will reduce the king’s political and religious powers, according to AFP news agency which has seen a draft of the speech.

In March the king promised “comprehensive constitutional reform” in the north African country.

Thousands of Moroccan pro-democracy protesters staged protests in February similar to those in Tunisia and Egypt.

Some activists have urged caution, saying that Morocco’s 400-year-old monarchy has a long history of enacting superficial reforms.

The speech is due to be aired at 2100 local time (2000 GMT).

The proposals it contains will be put to a referendum next month, AFP says.

In March, King Mohammed promised to promote greater democracy by strengthening the roles of the prime minister, parliament and the judiciary.

He said more powers would be given to Morocco’s regions to “help consolidate our model of democracy and development”.

Morocco has been facing severe economic problems with high unemployment and rising levels of poverty.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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