Create Website

Hello All,

I would like to create a website similar to

on the website, needs to have:
1. user profiles to register
2. on profile page, you can upload a video and picture and also info about themselves.
3. page to display all members. also submit a friends request to other members and be able to send messages through the website.
4. need a page that shows all activity that’s going on through the website: new user, new review, new “menu” item
4. profile page for “stores” to upload their products and menus. on their profile page, they should be able to see how many hits their page is getting.
5. on the “store page” i want users to be able to review the store. When a user reviews a store, i want and email sent to me showing the review and which page it was reviewed on.
6. interactive google map to locate “stores” and also have a search by zip code and also a “menu” search. when you search by menu, it must be able to recognize the menus that the stores upload to their page and display their “store”

7. i need a forum

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