Tutorial: Dynamic Textures In Cocos2D

Adding variety to a game can be difficult and time consuming.   One of the ways the game Tiny Wings has done this is by dynamically changing the color of the scenery within the game every day.  Here is an image of some of the different backgrounds in Tiny Wings:

Ray Wenderlich has managed to duplicate this effect using CCRenderTexture in Cocos2D which allows you to draw directly onto the texture, then place that texture within the Cocos2D scene.  Ray’s tutorial takes you through drawing the textures, adding shadows and highlights to the texture, making the texture repeat, and adding to the scene.

You can check out Ray’s tutorial here:
How To Create Dynamic Textures With CCRendureTexture

You can check out Tiny Wings on iTunes here.

A very cool way to add some color and variety to a game.

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