So what I need is a slider (or banner rotator as it is sometimes called) done in Flash and ActionScript 3, the slider should, with some additions and exceptions, work pretty much like the slider here:
Attached you’ll find a FLA file which has the basic view/UI divided into movie clips. These are not the final graphics (haven’t got them yet), but I’ll change them when the programming is done. It’s hopefully clear from the FLA file how the element’s should be placed though.
Here is the rest of the information and wishes for how the slider should work:
– One slide view (all content will be updated through XML) can consist of these elements:
• Image
• Video-file (if the slide has video, then the image will serve as a background image for the slide and the video will play in a player that is on top of the image).
• Text: title, explanation, link text, URL for link
• SWF (if in use it should come on top of video and/or image, when clicked it should fade out and start the video (if the slide has a linked video))
• thumbnail image with title and text
– It would be great if one was able to choose in the ActionScript if the slide should slide in or just fade in.
– Possibility to change slide pause time in ActionScript
– Fading should be done so that the images fade into and out of each other and NOT like in the McDonalds example where the previous image first disappears and the next image fades in from dark grey.
– Thumbnails are in a row on the bottom of the slider, on each side of the row there are arrows which can be used to move back and forth between thumbnails.
– Possibility to give text color through XML
– Video should have a play button on top, the button should fade when pressed on the slide, if/when pressed again the video should pause. You don’t have to design a button, just put a dot or something that represents the button.
– The slider should not advance automatically if the video is playing, we’ll move to the next slide when video has reached the end
– Possible to give URL to XML file through flash vars
– Would be really great if TweenLite/Max or Tweener was used for fades, sliding etc.
– Clean and nice commented ActionScript 3 would be appreciated
The XML could look something like this (this example has only one slide which has all the features added: texts, images and video):
<slide image=”/images/image1.jpg” thumbnail=”images/thumb1.jpg” video=”video/video.flv” swf=”swf/file.swf”>
<thumbTitle>Thumbnail title</thumbTitle>
<thumbText>A line or two of text</body>]]></thumbText>
<slideTitle color=”#ffffff”>Slide title here like this</slideTitle>
<slideText color=”#000000″>Text comes here, can also be longer than one line.</slideText>
<slideLink color=”#000000″ url=””>Link text comes here, can also be longer than one line.</slideLink>
I need FLA and AS files, I’ll then start adding the actual graphics myself