Obama: US action in Libya ‘legal’

Dennis KucinichDemocratic Representative Dennis Kucinich is helping to lead a group suing Barack Obama

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers has filed a lawsuit against President Barack Obama in federal court for taking military action in Libya without authorisation from Congress.

Ten members of the House of Representatives signed the lawsuit, saying Mr Obama violated the constitution in bypassing Congress.

The War Powers Resolution, passed after US withdrew from the Vietnam War, rules that involvement in combat operations unauthorised by Congress must be terminated after 60 days.

The suit, which also targets Defence Secretary Robert Gates, challenges “policy that any president can take the US to war unilaterally”, Democratic lawmaker Dennis Kucinich said.

“We have asked the courts to move to protect the American people from the results of these illegal policies,” he added.

Some of the plaintiffs in the suit also include Democratic Representatives John Conyers and Michael Capuano and Republicans Walter Jones, Howard Coble and Ron Paul.

The politicians have said they want President Obama to explain whether he intends to follow the War Powers Act and ask for Congressional approval for continued action in Libya.

The War Powers Resolution rules that involvement in combat operations unauthorised by Congress must be terminated after 60 days and troops must be withdrawn after 90 days. Sunday marks the 90-day deadline.

Last month, White House lawyers were said to be looking at ways US action in Libya can continue without contravening the resolution.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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