Cosla opposes school closure plan

Child at schoolPlans to close Scottish primary schools have been fiercely opposed
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The body representing Scotland’s 32 councils has rejected a government call to delay for a year plans to shut rural schools.

Cosla said no case had been made for the moratorium, requested by Education Secretary Mike Russell, pending a review of current legislation.

School closures are a matter for individual local authorities.

However, Cosla’s stance could increase the chance that some councils will try to press on with their plans.

Argyll and Bute Council – the region where Mr Russell is the MSP – is deciding on Tuesday how to respond to the moratorium request.

The local authority is proposing to shut 11 primary schools.

Mr Russell’s request came after he said legislation on rural school closures was not working properly and had been “more difficult” than thought.

He has set up a rural education commission to investigate the issue and asked local authorities to agree to a moratorium on closures until June 2012.

The Scottish government said it could force councils to comply, if necessary.

Argyll and Bute and Western Isles councils have both said ministers must provide extra funding if cash-strapped local authorities are to keep all their schools open.

Cosla president Pat Watters said there was a clear view that no case had been made for a moratorium, and questioned plans for the rural education commission, saying local government had to be more than a participant in the process.

The government commission will look at the Schools Consultation Act, passed in the last parliament, and investigate a “clear legislative presumption” against rural school closures.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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